The Better Way to
Save & Invest.
Get a little richer each day. One small step today, a giant leap for tomorrow.

Diverse ways to save & invest
Grow your money and invest for your future confidently.

Build a dedicated savings faster on your terms, automatically or manually.
Save automatically
Automatic daily, weekly, or monthly savings.
Save on the go
Save manually at anytime, anywhere.
Build discipline
Meet your savings goals with discipline.
Lock money away for a fixed duration without having access to it until maturity. It's like having a custom fixed deposit.
Lock funds away for a fixed period of time to avoid spending temptation. Earn up to 12.5% p.a. paid upfront.
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Reach all your savings goals faster. Save towards multiple goals on your own or with a group.
Challenge yourself to meet your goals by saving towards a common goal with a group. No one has access to your funds but you.
Earn 8% per annum to help you reach your goal faster. Think of it as a reward for meeting your target.
Your target(s), your rules
Customise the rules and duration of your target savings as you wish. From public mode, automated savings, to multiple targets, you’re in control.
Save with a group
Challenge yourself to meet your goals by saving towards a common goal with a group. No one has access to your funds but you.
Daily interest accrued
Earn 8% per annum to help you reach your goal faster. Think of it as a reward for meeting your target.
How it Works?
It only takes 5 minutes
Create an account
Sign up for an account with your name, email and phone number.
Add a payment method
Using your mobile money debit card or a bank transfer, setup your first plan.
Watch your money grow
Sit back, relax & let your money work for you all day, everyday.
Download M-vest Now & Get started for free.
Join thousands of people who save and invest with us

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